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Oct 18, 20213 min read
‘Truth is everything’: a reporter’s credo
“Be curious,” is journalist Peter Hannam’s advice to the next generation of reporters. Hannam spent eight years covering the environment...

Jun 28, 20212 min read
Down to 1%: Victoria’s native grasslands all but gone
Grasslands are one of Victoria’s most concerning ecosystems because only 1 per cent of native grasslands remain, Macedon Ranges Shire...

Jun 23, 20212 min read
Go green as you shop: suburban centre sets a world standard
The world’s first fully sustainable shopping centre in Burwood will create a “ripple effect” of eco-consciousness throughout the...

Jun 21, 20214 min read
‘It’ll be a dangerous situation’: Farmers side with Greens on camping law changes
Farmers and Greens have lined up against the State Government to fight new rules that will allow free camping on rivers that run through...

Jun 20, 20213 min read
‘We are on track to delivering our children a hell on earth’: Goanna man’s plea on
“We are a danger to ourselves and the rest of life,” musician Shane Howard told the Inquiry into Ecosystems Decline in Victoria on...

May 21, 20211 min read
Environment left in the lurch – Part 3 of our Budget breakdown
Didn’t hear anything about big government spends on the environment? The Standard team has got you covered with Part 3 of our Federal...

Apr 22, 20213 min read
Time to get tough on support for the environment, Royal Botanic Gardens experts say
Senior staff from the Royal Botanic Gardens today called on the state government to engage and encourage Victorians to care more about...

Mar 27, 20212 min read
Earth Hour: staying relevant in the battle on climate change
In the dying days of March for the past 15 years, people of all countries, races and beliefs have joined together to symbolically turn...

Nov 11, 20205 min read
The war on waste: What’s being done and why?
“The society, economy and jobs that we know will all cease to exist.” MRA Consulting Group managing director Mike Ritchie offered this...

Nov 11, 20208 min read
Australia’s gas-fired recovery: Does it stack up?
It was “the most hotly contested resource project in the history of the state”. Santos’ Narrabri Gas Project proposal recorded more than...

Nov 5, 20205 min read
Zero-waste: How individuals help the environment, one choice at a time
Most Victorians have lived their entire lives filling their yellow and red bins to the brim each week to have it picked up by the garbage...

Aug 12, 20203 min read
Native forest transition plan ‘won’t work’, timber industry says
Sawmill owners and forestry groups believe the Victorian government’s $120 million plan to support the forestry industry through the end...
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