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May 26, 20232 min read
On the brink: the brutal toll of Australia's cost of living crisis
A special report on the many faces of Australia's cost of living crisis, from a team of The Burne reporters. From the housing shortage,...

May 5, 20233 min read
No man’s land: illegal asbestos dumping widespread across Victoria
Edward Russell, Spencer Gilder-Smith, Benjamin Ponsford and Sian Donazzon report. The unsafe disposal of toxic waste is rampant across...

Apr 3, 20233 min read
Crowdsourcing project aims to stop habitat destruction ‘in its tracks’
Emily Anderson reports on how digital volunteers are helping to fill the gaps in Australia’s biodiversity data.

Mar 21, 20233 min read
Swinburne University to support The Voice
Millicent Spencer speaks with National Union of Students First Nations officer and Swinburne student Patrick Taylor about the...

Oct 31, 20225 min read
The doctor said: ‘Hannah, I believe you have ADHD’
Warning: this story includes discussion of suicidal thoughts The first time I overdosed, I was six years old. I had absolutely no idea...

Oct 27, 20223 min read
From the North Pole to the South, and into the skies: a woman for the record books
Few people can claim to have trekked to both the North and South poles. Very few can claim to be the first woman from their nation....

Aug 26, 20226 min read
The Bill a decade in the making: Australia’s ‘climate wars’ explained
Labor this month successfully passed their climate bill through the lower house with amendments, marking a dramatic change in Australia’s...

Nov 8, 20215 min read
The misinformation epidemic: what we can all do to help stop the spread
“It was a gradual process. I just went there step-by-step,” journalist Craig Idlebrook says about becoming an anti-vaxxer. “I was always...

Aug 13, 20203 min read
A jab or your job: the push on vaccines
Norma Peterson* is a Melbourne dialysis technician who works closely with patients undergoing intensive care. Ms Peterson said she works...

Jul 8, 20202 min read
Student website goes national to help bushfire victims find homes
In the middle of this summer’s bushfire chaos, a 22-year-old Swinburne student founded an online platform that has now become a national...

Jul 1, 20202 min read
Mum angry at lack of support for her special needs child during Covid pandemic
Thousands of dedicated parents and carers sent their special needs children back to school in Victoria this month, angry at the lack of...

Jun 13, 20202 min read
Coronavirus and religion: The New World Order conspiracy
A Christian pastor in Melbourne’s south eastern suburbs says the Government’s response to Covid-19 shows Antichrist is in control of the...
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